The guys from the Crust Crew and Scarehouse teamed up a couple weeks ago and organized a skate jam fundraiser to help fund some guerrilla style concrete skate spots. The plan is to first continue working on the Amesbury Skatepark Project where the guys already built a bank to curb/hip and a manny pad/ledge in an effort to polish a prefabricated turd. The crew should also be helping out with other ongoing projects like Worcide and the Lost Highway. If you see these guys buy them a beer or better yet pitch in a few bucks for some crete and ask what you can do to help. You might just learn a thing or two which you can spread to your own skate spots and the next generation of skaters.
The guys from the Crust Crew and Scarehouse teamed up a couple weeks ago and organized a skate jam fundraiser to help fund some guerrilla style concrete skate spots. The plan is to first continue working on the Amesbury Skatepark Project where the guys already built a bank to curb/hip and a manny pad/ledge in an effort to polish a prefabricated turd. The crew should also be helping out with other ongoing projects like Worcide and the Lost Highway. If you see these guys buy them a beer or better yet pitch in a few bucks for some crete and ask what you can do to help. You might just learn a thing or two which you can spread to your own skate spots and the next generation of skaters.